Teacher's Reflection Series 3: Writing Process: The Flawed and Learned Way
For me, writing serves two main purposes: to communicate ideas and to express one’s emotions. Initially, my approach to writing stemmed from personal experience, without consideration for the established writing theories. Thankfully, I am now acquainted with these existing theories and practices so that I may use them to enhance my writing skills. Firstly, I identify the purpose of the text, whether it is to inform, entertain, persuade, or argue. This was the knowledge I gained when I was in high school: the four main types of essays, and I believe these types dictate the tone of my writing. Unlike the writing practice stated in the sociocultural theory, I never considered who my target audience was and what potential impact my text would bring them. I believed simply aligning the tone with my chosen type sufficed. Secondly, I brainstorm the contents of the text based on my chosen subject. I write carelessly without ...