The Healing

Today, this very evening, my mum brought me to the church. I didn't know what was going on. My mum started walking very fast. When we entered the church, there were very few people and all of them was in front. I got scared when I heard screaming. What was going on? I am absolutely confused. Everyone was lying on the ground. What for? Then my mum and I went near the priest. The priest touched my mum's forehead first. He was saying a prayer then after a while, my mum fell down the ground. She wasn't hurt because there was a support behind her. Then the priest touched the little girl's forehead who was carried by her mum. The little girl was crying but when the priest touched her forehead, she stopped crying and closed her eyes very slowly. That made me confused even more. What's happening? Then it is my turn. The priest also touched my forehead and said a little prayer. I closed my eyes because that's what people do. I fell down the ground because that's what people do. I didn't know. I'm really worried now. While I was lying on the ground, tears were falling from my eyes. I didn't know what I really felt or what my tears was all about. I didn't know if I was happy or sad. I opened my eyes then I saw a man and asked me if everything's going okay. I nodded my head. I looked at my mum and she held my hand and we started walking again. We were heading to the altar where there is a picture of mama Mary and baby Jesus. When I looked at mama Mary's face, I started bursting into tears. I tried to hide my face because I didn't want my mum to see it. Then we knelled and my mum started to pray. I said a little prayer too and I started bursting into tears again. Everyone could see my damp eyes except my mum. When we started to leave the church, a little feeling of emptiness approached me. When we were outside the church, my mum asked me what I felt. I told her I felt nothing. When we got home, my mum told my cousin, Charlene to hurry up and go to the church. When she left, I heard mum told my dad that when the priest touched her forehead, she felt something unexplainable. It was like a different kind of air passed through her soul then all of a sudden she fell down the ground. I was surprised to hear that. Why didn't I felt such thing? Then I told mum and dad that I felt nothing. Dad said I didn't have enough faith that's why I didn't feel the presence of the Lord. That made me really sad and worried. Then my cousin's home now. She told mum that she fell down the ground too and she felt something different. I decided to go back to the church but when I got there, the mass was done. I didn't had another chance to feel it. What was that? Why didn't I felt it?


  1. Hi I don't know how old you are right now, but I just want to tell you that what happened to your mom was different with what happened to you. And fear not, because I know God will make us feel His presence in different ways. Perhaps you were still young when you had this experience, don't worry. Pray to God that He may guide you and watch over you :)

    1. Hello, Gail! I was 14 years old when I had written this and I went back to reread my blogs and I appreciate it a lot that you have left a message for me about my experience. God indeed presents himself through different ways and as I grew older I understood more of His mysteries and have now tried to relished every particle of blessing He gives me.

      Thank you, Gail. God bless you!


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