First Post in this Blog ever
Hello there Earthling! Thanks for visiting my blog and as you know, I am Kate. Are you wondering about my blog title? Well that's because I'm an introvert person who loves listening to classical musics.
Okay, so what should be my first post all about? How about... All about me! (I know I used the "about" word too much)

"I have been on a gratifying journey. Through the mountains of Tibet. Over the Himalayas mountain range passing through mount Everest. I walked through India and sailed the Arabian sea. I have been camping on the top of mount Kilimanjaro. I saw the world on the Table Mountain of Africa. I have been stranded in the Isles of Chile. Wandered to Peru and I was lucky enough to meet mountains again. I ran and scream! Happy enough to land my feet on the gentle slopes and valleys that are fed by streams. Then I flew over Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico! I met sea of clouds while heading through the United States."
Can you imagine that? Cool right? (yet funny haha. i wasn't that serious when i wrote--or should i say typed that) If you wanna travel the world too, then come with me and let's wander together and start the ADVENTURE!
Can you guess how old I am? Based from the way how I speak?
Okay, so what should be my first post all about? How about... All about me! (I know I used the "about" word too much)
- First of all, I'm a nature lover; not just nature lover but nature friendly! :) I mostly love looking at the sky no matter if it's dark, weeping, roaring... but I'd like it more if it's blue. I love looking into infinity like going out at night just to gaze these stars and the moon that shines. Really? You love staring at the night sky too? Wow high-five for that! You're awesome ;) I love travelling to many, many places and discover something in it. I have a dream to travel the whole world someday and when people ask you where you have been, you'll be like:

"I have been on a gratifying journey. Through the mountains of Tibet. Over the Himalayas mountain range passing through mount Everest. I walked through India and sailed the Arabian sea. I have been camping on the top of mount Kilimanjaro. I saw the world on the Table Mountain of Africa. I have been stranded in the Isles of Chile. Wandered to Peru and I was lucky enough to meet mountains again. I ran and scream! Happy enough to land my feet on the gentle slopes and valleys that are fed by streams. Then I flew over Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico! I met sea of clouds while heading through the United States."
Can you imagine that? Cool right? (yet funny haha. i wasn't that serious when i wrote--or should i say typed that) If you wanna travel the world too, then come with me and let's wander together and start the ADVENTURE!
- I'm a classical music lover. Classical music lovers are known to be introverted, but are also at ease with themselves and the world around them. They are creative and have a good sense of self-esteem. Well I might say I'm that kind of person; not because the internet/researchers says so but really, I am that kind of person :) Have you ever tried listening to Pachelbel's Canon in D? This music helps you relax. When I listen to it, this music magically gives peace and calms me down. The middle part of the music is my favorite. As I listen to it, I look at the world around me; the dirty streets turned into green, clean grasses. The tall buildings transformed into mountain cathedrals. The small lonely tree grew into a forest. The soft wind breeze scatters as the music goes on. (I think my imagination turned into a vivid dream).
Have you ever heard of the Libera Boys' Choir? These kids have amazing talents. I'm a very big fan of them. Whenever they sing together, you'll always feel like you're in heaven. Their harmonies are so celestial and it will lift up your soul bringing you a glorious sound made from heaven.
- My personality? Uhm yes, I'm an introvert person (as you already know). I tend to be alone; I'm the happiest person in the world whenever I'm alone. I love reading good books but I don't like reading love stories. I'm more with adventures, knowledge... everything, except for love stories. I like singing and I'm a chorister actually; I'm one of the soprano girls. I find it fun to be a chorister! Every time our class ends, I'd always go to our rehearsal room and practice new songs with my fellow choristers. My best choral experience was when we compete with the other choirs from different regions (here in the Philippines). We might not won the 1st place but we're happy enough to hold the 3rd place!
Can you guess how old I am? Based from the way how I speak?
I'm 14 years old, and yep I'm young but I know one day I'll grow old. I'll grow wrinkles and my hair will turn white. When that time comes, there's nothing I can do but move on.
Anyway, thank you so much for spending your time with me. I hope you're having a great day! :)
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