First Post in this Blog ever

Hello there Earthling! Thanks for visiting my blog and as you know, I am Kate. Are you wondering about my blog title? Well that's because I'm an introvert person who loves listening to classical musics. Okay, so what should be my first post all about? How about... All about me! (I know I used the "about" word too much) First of all, I'm a nature lover ; not just nature lover but nature friendly! :) I mostly love looking at the sky no matter if it's dark, weeping, roaring... but I'd like it more if it's blue. I love looking into infinity like going out at night just to gaze these stars and the moon that shines. Really? You love staring at the night sky too? Wow high-five for that! You're awesome ;) I love travelling to many, many places and discover something in it. I have a dream to travel the whole world someday and when people ask you where you have been, you'll be like: "I have been on a gratifying journey. Through the mou...