Teacher's Reflection Series 2: Foundations of Education

As a young teacher, I still consider myself as a learner. I would like to compare myself to a preschooler, filled with curiosity, and still fumbling with the classroom world. I am still familiarizing myself with the actual realm of teaching and learning. As I absorb new experiences, I admittedly make mistakes and am still in need of mentorship. Fortunately, my experienced co-teachers, who serve as my role models ensure me that I am not alone with my journey towards becoming a better educator. Relearning the foundations of education has helped me grasp a deeper understanding of the teaching-learning process. During my six months of teaching, my mistakes were due to my lack of confidence in my skills as a teacher. Seeing again the importance of understanding growth, development, and maturation, and the role of teachers has been enlightening. When I finally return to teaching after I finish this course, I feel positive that I will have acquired more skills to enhance my teaching m...