Spirits Rebellious: In Marxist Critical Perspective

Spirits Rebellious: In Marxist Critical Perspective by Kate Borlasa “Spirits Rebellious,” a book written by Khalil Gibran, originally published in Arabic in 1908 contains three short stories entitled: Madame Rose Hanie, The Cry of the Graves, and Khalil the Heretic. The characters in these stories share the same fictional universe in the country of Lebanon where they struggle to attain financial and moral justice in their society. Gibran uses freethinking characters who break away from the oppressive social rules by following the “truth.” He conveys the messages and lessons in his book by discussing the concept of humility, justice, and the teaching of Christ as opposed to human laws and societal norms. This textual analysis of Spirits Rebellious will look on the Marxist elements depicted in the stories. Karl Marx’s theory discusses the concept of capitalism and how it causes division among the society:...