Goals in life?

Normally, all dreamers really want to see and travel the whole wide world and that's me. There might be some confusions you might find in me because I'm more of an indoor person. I don't like walking outdoors that much- not even in summers. I really feel awkward when I walk with too many people around me. I'm really not confident about being me. It's like when I go outside and people look at me, I'd always think that I am being judged but I know I'm not and they don't really care but I'm still bothered about this. Nah... enough with this. First of all, I don't really care of visiting all the famous places here in the whole world; like Paris, London, New York, Rio, Sydney and many other. I like to live in Europe or Australia someday because I like the climate there and it's full of beautiful mountains and grassy terrains. (I don't own any of these photos) I love to live in some places like these-it's like waking up in the mo...