Pure craziness but sweet :">

March 4, 2014 Dear future me, I haven’t really got the idea of writing you a letter but today, I saw a post on Facebook saying: In their 5 th grade, they make a letter for their 20 year old selves. So I think it would make sense if I write you one too. I bet you’re thinking that this letter is a bit NOT YOU. That’s because you have changed. You've become mature and I would really miss the 14 year old you. You read this letter as a different person but I know you know that the person who wrote this is the same. You just feel like she’s different because of the way she speaks. You might found this letter somewhere else so you took time to read this. I just want to say, how are you? Do you already have a boyfriend? Have you met Henry Barrington? Have you met Libera? Have you finished schooling? Did you improved your math skills? Are there any flying car...